Villaggio Crespi d'Adda - World Heritage Unesco
Discover and visit Crespi d'Adda
Sustainable tourism
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Associazione Culturale Villaggio Crespi

site in Crespi d'Adda in Capriate (BG)

Piazzale Vittorio Veneto 1

Tel: 02 90987191



CRESPI CULTURA is a non-profit association which aims at protecting the heritage of Crespi d'Adda and making the most of the value of the village as a world renowned site - included in the UNESCO List and visited by thousands of tourists and students every year - and, at the same time, as the place where the members of the Association live.

Therefore, the activities of the Association are planned and realised according to a responsible and respectful approach both to the place itself and to the living community: the first objective of the Association is to direct the tourist development of the Crespi village towards a cultural and sustainable model.

The founders of the Association have been involved for several years in various activities concerning Crespi d'Adda, especially in the field of: history, culture, education and tourism.

The Association works to satisfy and co-ordinate the visitors' requests and expectations: in particular organises guided visits for schools and adults, and prepares a wide range of materials helping the visitors discover the village in the easiest and most satisfying way.

Another objective of the Association is to undertake a comprehensive study of the transformation of the area of Crespi d'Adda in the present times and of the cultural development of tourist sites, basing on the complexity of the subject and profiting from the (double) privileged role of inhabitant/cultural operator.


Content and design: MarcoPedro

With thanks to MK and Colin
for translation assistance.


Our office is open for booked visits and:


July, August and Christmas season:
by appointment only


- Information Point
- Reservation of guided visits
- Exhibition of historical photographs
- Books and illustrated guidebooks


- Services for universities and schools
- Protection of Crespi monuments and landscape
- Research
- General assistance
- Organization of events

To find out more about our activities, see the section:
Friends of Crespi (in Italian)