Villaggio Crespi d'Adda - World Heritage Unesco
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Aerial Views

Veduta attuale del Villaggio Crespi d'Adda

The factory and the Village: order and geometry were to enhance social peace and harmony, in the minds of its creators. The whole settlement that was built at the end of the nineteenth century by the enlightened industrialist Crespis, is still intact today and remains in a preserved idyllic state surrounded by green with no new developments since the 1930's.

Veduta del Villaggio Crespi d'Adda nel 1927

view of Crespi d'Adda (1927)

Fotografia aerea della fabbrica di Crespi d'Adda

view of the factory (1951)

Foto aerea di Crespi d'Adda nel 1923

aerial view of Crespi d'Adda (1923)

Vista del paese di Crespi d'Adda da est

view of the Village from East

Vista della fabbrica di Crespi d'Adda dal fiume Adda

view of the factory from West (1904)